Feeding Your Pet Gecko: Diet and Nutrition Guidelines


Taking good care of your pet gecko involves more than just giving them a comfy home and taking them to the vet. It's important to make sure they eat a healthy diet with all the right nutrients. In this guide, we'll talk about how to feed your gecko properly to keep them healthy and happy.

Feeding Your Pet Gecko

Understanding Your Pet Gecko's Dietary Needs

To meet your pet gecko's food needs, it's important to know what they eat in the wild. In their natural habitat, geckos mainly eat insects like crickets, mealworms, and roaches. These bugs are packed with protein and important nutrients, which are vital for their health. But in captivity, just giving insects isn't enough. Geckos also benefit from eating fruits and veggies, which give them extra vitamins and minerals. By offering a mix of live bugs and fresh produce, you can make sure your pet gecko gets all the nutrients they need to stay healthy. It's important to mix up your gecko's diet. Trying different bugs and changing up the fruits and veggies keeps mealtime fun for your pet and prevents them from missing out on important nutrients.

Feeding Schedule and Portions

Setting up a regular feeding routine is crucial for keeping your pet gecko healthy. Depending on how old, big, and what kind of gecko you have, their food needs and how often they eat can vary. Here's a basic guide:

  • Frequency: Most adult geckos should be fed every other day, while juveniles may require daily feedings to support their growth and development.
  • Portions: Offer an appropriate portion size based on your gecko's size and appetite. Avoid overfeeding, as this can lead to obesity and other health issues. Conversely, ensure they receive enough food to meet their nutritional needs.
  • Monitoring: Pay attention to your gecko's feeding behavior and adjust the feeding schedule or portion size accordingly. Some geckos may be more voracious eaters than others, while others may have specific dietary preferences.

Suitable Foods for Pet Geckos

Providing a varied and balanced diet is essential for meeting your pet gecko's nutritional needs. Here are some suitable foods to include in their diet:

  • Insects: Offer a variety of live insects such as crickets, mealworms, waxworms, and roaches. These insects are rich in protein and are a staple in a gecko's diet.
  • Fruits: Offer small amounts of fruit as occasional treats. Suitable options include mango, papaya, banana, and figs. Fruits provide essential vitamins and minerals but should be offered sparingly due to their high sugar content.
  • Vegetables: Include leafy greens and vegetables in your gecko's diet to provide additional nutrients. Suitable options include kale, collard greens, carrots, and bell peppers. Ensure vegetables are finely chopped or grated to make them easier for your gecko to consume.
  • Commercial Diets: Consider supplementing your gecko's diet with commercial reptile diets, such as meal replacement powders or prepared food mixes. These products are formulated to provide a balanced combination of nutrients and can be a convenient option for busy pet owners.
  • Calcium and Vitamin Supplements: Dust feeder insects with calcium powder before offering them to your gecko to ensure they receive adequate calcium for bone health. Additionally, consider providing vitamin supplements to ensure your gecko's nutritional needs are met.

Gut Loading and Supplementation

To ensure your pet gecko receives optimal nutrition, it's essential to understand the concepts of gut loading and supplementation:

  • Gut Loading:Before giving insects to your gecko, it's important to "gut load" them with healthy foods. Gut loading means feeding the insects a diet full of vitamins and minerals. When your gecko eats these insects, they get those nutrients too. Good gut loading foods include dark leafy greens, carrots, and special gut loading diets you can buy. Gut loading feeder insects boosts the nutrition your gecko gets from their food.
  • Calcium and Vitamin Supplementation: Even though giving your gecko a variety of foods is good, it might not give them all the important nutrients they need. To make sure they get everything, sprinkle calcium powder on feeder insects before feeding them to your gecko. Calcium is really important for their bones and stops metabolic bone disease. You could also think about giving them vitamin supplements to cover all their nutritional needs. But be careful to follow the instructions so you don't give them too much, which could hurt them.

Special Considerations for Different Gecko Species

Different species of geckos may have unique dietary requirements and preferences. It's essential to understand these differences to provide the best care for your pet. Here are some special considerations for popular gecko species:

  • Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis macularius): Leopard geckos are insectivores and primarily feed on live insects such as crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches. Offer a variety of appropriately-sized insects and supplement their diet with calcium and vitamin D3 to prevent metabolic bone disease.
  • Crested Geckos (Correlophus ciliatus): Crested geckos are omnivores and consume a diet consisting of both insects and fruit. Offer a mix of gut-loaded insects, such as crickets and roaches, as well as fruit purees or commercially available crested gecko diets. Ensure fruits are offered sparingly due to their high sugar content.
  • African Fat-Tailed Geckos (Hemitheconyx caudicinctus): African fat-tailed geckos have similar dietary preferences to leopard geckos and primarily eat live insects. Offer a variety of appropriately-sized insects, supplemented with calcium and vitamin D3. Additionally, provide occasional treats such as fruit or pinkie mice.
  • Gargoyle Geckos (Rhacodactylus auriculatus): Gargoyle geckos have a diet similar to crested geckos and consume a combination of insects and fruit. Offer gut-loaded insects, such as crickets and roaches, as well as fruit purees or commercially available gargoyle gecko diets.
Read: Everything related to gargoyle feeding
  • Tokay Geckos (Gekko gecko): Tokay geckos are primarily insectivores and feed on a diet consisting of live insects such as crickets, mealworms, and roaches. Ensure insects are appropriately-sized for your gecko and supplement their diet with calcium and vitamin D3.


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